It is our face that everyone pays the most attention in human relations and personal times. In order to leave a beautiful, meaningful and reliable mark on people, it is necessary not to neglect skin care and applications. After a certain age and deformation, external treatments are not sufficient. This is the point I would like to tell you about Face Lifting. Basically a cosmetic surgery applied to the face to achieve a younger appearance is called a face lift (rhythidectomy). With this procedure, it is possible to remove sagging and other deformations in the face, cheeks and jawline. As the person gets older, the skin form begins to change. After a while, the skin may become less elastic and looser than earlier, and fat deposits may decrease in some areas and increase in others. Rather later than expected due to many different factors including diet, sun exposure, gravity, daily skincare routines and exercises. After a certain level of deformation and time, facelift is applied as themost successful and permanent solution.than the hereditary reasons that everyone knows, deformations in the skin may occur earlier or.

How is this face lift done?

There may be minor changes depending on the area where the procedure will be performed, butgenerally, the procedure starts by pulling back a skin flap on both sides of the face. After thisprocedure, the tissues in the lower layer of the skin are surgically changed to return the contour ofthe face to a younger shape.

After the removed flaps are removed, they are stitched and closed. Neck lift (platysmaplasty)includes the same steps applied to the face.

What is expected as a result of the application is to save the skin from the noticed skin and oil. Facelift does not reduce fine wrinkles or sun spots on your skin. Different medical cosmetic methodsshould be applied for the treatment of such deformations.

How do you know if it is suitable for this surgery?

If you have the following symptoms, you may want to consider face lift.

● _Sagging in the cheeks, eyelids

● _Excessive fat or sagging under the neck or chin

● _Nasolabial lines

● _Regional excess fat or sagging

● _Wrinkles around the eyes

● _Bruises and bagging under the eyes

● _Visible and deep forehead lines, nose line, lip lines

● _Skin dullness and thinness

★ Avoid Blood thinning medications or supplements

The ability of your blood to clot is crucial for surgery. If you are using a blood thinning medicationor taking supplements, you should talk to your doctor about the issue and find a common solutionbefore surgery.

It can increase the risk of hematoma during and after surgery. These medications include bloodthinners (Coumadin, Plavix, others), aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, fish oil, and others.

★ Consider Medical conditions

If you have a medical condition that prevents blood clotting, you should not have a face lift. If youhave diabetes or diseases such as high blood pressure, heart, hematoma, you should consult withyour doctor for regular check-ups and get information.

★ Quit Smoking

Smoking has an adverse effect on the healing process of wounds after surgery and slows it down.Many doctors recommend that patients who smoke regularly and frequently stop smoking at leastone month before surgery.

This situation should be taken into account and the doctor should be consulted.

★ Balance Weight Fluctuation

If there has been a rapid and profound weight loss or gain in the recent past, you should consultyour doctor. In rare cases, there might be some inefficient result or a temporary solution mayoccur.

It is important to maintain weight control before and after surgery to prevent such complications.


Facial examination

One of the main and basic stages of the face lift process is the face examination. In this meetingwith your plastic surgeon, photos of your face from different angles and some detailed photos willbe taken. In facelift surgery, your surgeon should examine your bone structure, face shape, fat distribution and skin quality to evaluate and decide on all or regional stretching options. As a resultof the examinations, a treatment plan is created considering your expectations.

Before the procedure, the surgeon and the patient should understand each other and talk aboutwhether the patient’s expectations can be met. It is not always possible to have a firm and smoothskin in the first surgery. First of all, the patient should be aware of this, and unlikely to have a realisticexpectation. At this stage, the surgeon gives a detailed explanation to the patient about thesituation at the end of the operation and gives information about the successful or inadequatesituations that may occur after the operation.

Incision Techniques

The incision procedure is usually determined by the surgeon’s recommendation and the patient’spreferences. Different techniques can be determined according to different face types andcomplaints. Here are a few;

A traditional facelift incision starts from the hairline at the temples, continues down to the ears,following the line, and ends behind your ears. The incision of your neck is hidden under the chin.

A limited incision is made with shorter incisions similar to a traditional incision.

A Neck lift incision starts in front of the earlobe and continues from the base of the hair around theear to the nape of the hair. A small incision is made under the chin, like the others.

A facelift application takes an average of two to four hours, this period can be extended withdifferent treatment methods or additional applications.

At the end of the surgery, your face will be wrapped with light pressure to protect the swelling andbruising. Drainage can be temporarily attached to drain excess blood or fluid. After you spend thefirst night after the operation under control, you will be discharged from the hospital. You will have afew mild pains, this is completely normal. It will be best for you to rest following the surgery,following your doctor’s recommendations.

Of course, you will have doctor check-ups after surgery. You get a healthy and youthfulappearance after your postoperative follow-up. What you need to keep in mind is that face lift isnot permanent, but it is known that facelift has 10 permanences after a good surgical procedure.

As Interestmed Agency, we are pleased to offer the most convenient and safe healthcare servicefor you and your family. While your family and you are on holiday in a perfect weather andenvironment, you will be able to get rid of the flaws you want to intervene and return home happyand healthy!